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Seeking Change: Professionals

"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."

- Lao Tzu

Interested in Professional Consultation?

As a Washington State-approved supervisor, I provide consultation to psychotherapists.  I'm especially interested in working with analytic thinkers, as well as those interested in incorporating mindful experience into their work with patients.  I am willing to provide a one-time consultation or ongoing support.
Through my experience as certified Balint Group Leader for case consultation groups, I have learned to help clinicians explore their dilemmas with patients, leading to increased empathy and improved treatment outcomes.  
Celebrating collective wisdom: Balint Group starting Fall 2023

Balint Group for case consultation: Balint groups are a type of clinical/professional case consultation focused on reflective thinking.  The goal is to increase positive patient outcomes, by creating a safe place to develop the clinicians' empathy.  Balint groups are designed to help clinicians develop their professional selves as treatment providers, as well as develop their thinking and curiosity about their work with patients, especially when that relationship feels stuck, distressing, or difficult.

Attention Healthcare providers: Psychotherapists, Psychologists, Counselors, MDs, NDs, DOs, PAs, Nurses, Nutritionists, Acupuncturists, other healthcare providers, and collaborative professionals.  This group supports our healthcare providers to reconnect with their passion for healthcare, prevent burnout, and increase positive health outcomes for patients.

Trevor Slocum, MA, LMHC and Margie Segress, MA, LMHC will be offering a multidisciplinary Balint group for doctors, psychotherapists, healthcare providers, and collaborative professionals.

We are forming a group of 10-12 clinician participants, who are currently healthcare providers and able to present cases. This series of groups will meet Fridays, approximately every other week, for 8 sessions via Zoom. The suggested cost is $200.00

About Balint work: This case consultation method was invented to help primary care physicians "unstick" difficult relationships with patients. It works for medical and mental health professionals who understand the importance of the practitioner-patient relationship.

Balint group work builds community and support for our professional selves as clinicians. This group is for clinicians that have reached a point in their practice where they are not looking for technical treatment advice. Instead of advice, the group works together to offer the clinician speculations and reflections about the relationship between the clinician and the patient. This enhances the clinician's capacity for empathy and opens the clinician to new ways of understanding and responding to their patients.

By gently and non-intrusively exploring the relational dynamics (transference and countertransference dynamics), Balint groups help cultivate your imaginative comprehension of the patient's whole experience, which in turn expands your creative options for engaging.

Group Size: This group will have up to 10-12 participants and will meet 8 times.

Where: We will meet virtually by Zoom. Details provided to registrants.

When: We will meet every other week on Friday afternoons from 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm Pacific.

The dates are: Sept 8th, Sept 22nd, Oct 6th, Oct 20th, Nov 3rd, Nov 17th, Dec 1st, and Dec 15th.

Cost: The suggested cost is $200 for the set of 8 group sessions, but participants can pay what they can afford. The fee is due at the first group.

If you'd like to join us, let either of us know. Or be in touch if you have any questions at all.

Margie Segress, MA, LMHC
PhD Candidate, Pacifica

Trevor Slocum, MA, LMHC  
Credentialed Balint Group Leader

Taking Referrals?
I am interested in building a referral list and networking with other psychotherapists and health care providers in Seattle.  I believe a carefully thought-through referral can make the healing process come to life.  If you are interested in being on my referral list, feel free to contact me.

I am especially interested in networking with holistic health providers, including but not limited to:

  • MDs and specialists that are sexual-minority friendly
  • Naturopathic medical providers, NDs
  • Psychotherapeutically or psychoanalytically-oriented psychiatrists and ARNPs
  • Nurses and ARNPs
  • Neurologists
  • Nutritionists
  • Traditional medicine and Acupuncturists
  • Message and yoga therapists
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